“India’s beloved singing reality show, Indian Idol, is back with Season 15 on Sony Entertainment Television, showcasing some of the finest voices from across the nation. The auditions saw a horde of contestants with not only incredible vocal talent but also inspiring stories. One such extraordinary contestant is Saloni Saaz, a 23-year-old from Delhi, with a unique voice, personality, and aura. Saloni’s performance on Billo Rani from the movie ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal’, compelled the judges to take note of her distinctive and husky voice.
Saloni also revealed that many criticize her voice as being manly. Even the comments on her social media are usually negative. To this, an infuriated Vishal said, “Zamaana gadha hai. Some people will never understand you but those working in the field of music, who can understand this, will always praise your voice because we look for uniqueness and identity. Till the time your voice finds the right path, no one will understand it but there any many people who can give you a direction, so don’t worry.”
Shreya Ghoshal also expressed her admiration rhetorically, saying, “This is a unique voice. Haven’t they heard Abida Parveen and Usha Uthup?”
Saloni also shared that her voice changed overnight; 2 years ago, she awoke one night and could not breathe, her throat was aching, so her father took her to the hospital and after a few tests, the doctor informed them that Saloni had a tumour in her throat, and it needed to be operated. She even lost her voice for a few weeks after the procedure. After that, her father motivated her and made sure she got better.
But the question remains: will she be able to go further and win the golden ticket?
Stay tuned to Indian Idol Season 15 to witness Saloni’s musical journey unfold.